Process BayesTraits phylogenetic regression output data
This function processes the output reported in the log and stones .txt files,
which are generated from the phylogenetic regression analyses in Meade & Pagel's (2022)
program. The resulting files are tables either Word or CSV formats and these rank
competing models by their likelihood scores. Bayes Factors can also be reported in the
case where models with tree transformations (e.g., either Lambda or variable rates are
estimated) always have high likelihood scores than simpler models (e.g., those with neither
Lambda nor variable rates estimated). In this case, the reported Bayes Factors pertain
to the more complex model listed in the table and the simpler nested model that didn't
involve a tree transformation. Heatmaps based on pairwise Bayes Factor comparison
are also automatically produced in PDF format. These are intended to identify
models that are most similar to the model with the highest likelihood score.
See BayesTraits V4.0.0 Manual
for details of the output files produced by BayesTraits, which may facilitate an
understanding of how output files are processed with the function phyreg.outputs
See also a more complete article on how to use phyreg.outputs
process the resulting output files
from the phylogenetic regression analyses.
phyreg.outputs(logst_dir = NULL,
responvar = NULL,
explanvar = NULL,
treetransf = c("Kappa", "Delta", "Lambda", "OU", "UNI", "VR", "Fabric"),
bayesfactor = FALSE,
unirates = TRUE,
outformat = c("Word", "CSV"),
tableleg = "Phylogenetic regression in BayesTraits",
dir_create = "results_BayesTraits_phyreg_output",
outfile = "BayesTraits_phyreg_output_table",
- logst_dir
Path to the directory where are stored the log and stepping stones files generated during the independent contrast regression analysis. The log file(s) contain the model options and output. The stepping stones file(s) contain the marginal log likelihood for a given model. These files are labeled with the explanatory variable(s) of the relevant model, where each variable is separated by an underscore. Explanatory variables include any tree transformation included in a model, and these can include Kappa, Delta, Lambda, OU (Ornstein–Uhlenbeck), UNI (for no tree transformation), VR (variable rates) or Fabric (for a model that accommodates uneven evolutionary landscape, as described by Pagel et al. (2022). Thus, Log file(s) have a format like "BayesTraits_mean_data_bio12_bio15_VR.log.txt" and "BayesTraits_mean_data_bio12_bio15_nnodes_Lambda.log.txt" (where nnodes signifies net nodes). This indicates that the first log file contains three explanatory variables ("bio12", "bio15", and variable rates), and the second log file contains four explanatory variables ("bio12", "bio15", "nnodes", and Lambda). Stepping stones file(s) should be named correspondingly (e.g., "BayesTraits_mean_data_bio12_bio15_VR.stones.txt" and "BayesTraits_mean_data_bio12_bio15_nnodes_Lambda.stones.txt".)
- responvar
Report the name of the response variable.
- explanvar
Report the name(s) of the explanatory variable(s) exactly as they are also written in the names of the log and stones files being processed.
- treetransf
Select any of the available BayesTraits tree transformations (Kappa, Delta, Lambda, OU, UNI, VR or Fabric) that are included among the competing models.
- bayesfactor
Logical, if
, then no Bayes Factor pairwise comparisons will performed among the models.- unirates
Logical, if
, then models lacking tree transformations (Kappa, Delta, Lambda or OU) and variable rates and Fabric (i.e., default values and uniform rates of evolution are assumed) will not be displayed in the main table.- outformat
Define either "Word" or "CSV", or both, a vector c("Word", "CSV"), for writing the results in such formats.
- tableleg
A legend for the main table, provided that you have also chosen
outformat = "Word"
. If you do not report a legend, then the Word-formatted table will have the default legend Phylogenetic regression in BayesTraits.- dir_create
Path to the directory where the file(s) will be saved. the default setting creates a directory named results_BayesTraits_phyreg_output where the results will be saved in a subfolder named by the current date.
- outfile
Name of the resulting table-formatted files in either "Word", "CSV", or both (depending on the specified argument
). If no name is reported, the default setting creates a file named BayesTraits_phyreg_output_table.docx and/or BayesTraits_phyreg_output_table.csv.- ...
Additional parameters passed to pdf.